PHP language can elevate your work efficiency and productivity

Whenever we think about web development, PHP language like HTML, CSS, CodeIgniter etc pops up in our mind. Basically, it could be anything as long as it is related to PHP language. It appears to most of the people that PHP language has died down but this is not true. It’s widely used by sites including two very popular ones; Facebook and Wikepedia. Statistics state that it is used by around 79% of all websites. PHP programmers will often turn to a PHP framework to compose their code.

What Is a PHP Language framework?

Frameworks of PHP language are used to create PHP web applications. They provide users with code libraries for commonly performed functions like cutting down on the amount of original code you need to write.

Why Use a PHP Framework?

There are abundant of reasons to use PHP language framework.

1. Faster Development

Because PHP frameworks have built-in libraries and tools, the time required for development is less.

For example, the CakePHP framework has the Bake command-line tool which can quickly create any skeleton code that you need in your application.

Several popular PHP frameworks have the PHPUnit library integrated for easy testing.

2. Less Code to Write

Making use of functions that PHP language frameworks provide saves time. It means that a programmer wouldn’t have to write all the coding material from scratch.

3. Libraries for Common Tasks

Many tasks that developers will need to do within web apps are common ones. Examples are form validation, data sanitization, and CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Rather than having to write your own functions for these tasks, you can simply use the ones that are part of the framework.

4. Follow Good Coding Practices

PHP language frameworks follow a pattern of best coding practices. For example, the code can be divided neatly into number of directories based on the type of use. They propel a programmer to make the pattern of code more comprehensive, organised and well maintained. Frameworks also have their own naming conventions for entities which you should follow.

5. More Secure Than Writing Your Own Apps

There are many PHP security threats

They force you to organize code in a cleaner, neater, and more maintainable way.

Frameworks also have their own naming conventions for entities which you should follow.

5. More Secure Than Writing Your Own Apps

There are many PHP security threats including cross-site scripting, SQL injection attacks, and cross-site request forgery. Unless you take the right steps to secure your code, your PHP web apps will be vulnerable.

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