Some basic queries about learning PHP tabulating framework

From Yahoo to Tumblr to Wikipedia, there is no shortage of websites that are using the PHP tabulating framework in some way The PHP tabulating framework is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. According to the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index, PHP is ranked as the fifth most-searched language on[…]

Why developers should avoid the usage of Eloquent in your Laravel Controllers!

What are disadvantages of using Eloquent or database queries in your Laravel controllers? There are some reasons because of which you should not use Laravel controllers. First of all, you are breaking SOLID principles: Single Responsibility Principle — your controllers have extra responsibility of managing the database Dependency Inversion Principle — your controllers worry about[…]

PHP Tools Used by Wali Systems and other developers in 2022

Experts have designed various PHP development tools to improve programming productivity and make PHP’s job easier. PHP tools are designed to provide developers with a PHP external or internal integrated development environment that allows them to quickly build the development of PHP applications attractive, imaginative, and rich in features. We have compiled the list of the best PHP tools[…]

The Knowledge You Need to Have Before Using a PHP Framework

PHP and some basic knowledge One of the very first things you should understand prior to using a PHP framework is PHP itself. It wouldn’t be of great help if you lack knowledge about the programming language. It will be a struggle to choose a framework because most of them run with PHP version 7.2 or[…]

Wali Systems: An ultimate business need!

Wali Systems, a PHP development group! About 80% of websites, including some of the leading ones like Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack and, Yahoo have benefited from the technological use of PHP. Wali Systems, being a PHP development group uses the full capacity of PHP to guide businesses towards their way of success. About Wali Systems Wali[…]

PHP Factors that enhance developing skills to create functional websites

What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework? Following is a review of some factors that should be considered as a top priority by PHP programmers. First of all, if you’re newly acquainting with PHP framework, make sure that the learning curve isn’t very steep. It will be difficult to grasp understanding about a[…]

CodeIgniter Programming and its specialities can boost your career as a PHP developer

What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter programming is a PHP MVC framework used for developing web applications rapidly. It provides out of the box libraries for connecting to the database and performing various operations like sending emails, uploading files, managing sessions, etc. CodeIgniter Features Let’s see some of the features that make CodeIgniter programming great. The following list is not exhaustive but[…]

What Elements To Look for in a PHP Framework?

What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework? Following is a review of some elements that should be considered as a top priority by PHP programmers. First of all, if you’re newly acquainting with PHP framework, make sure that the learning curve isn’t very steep. It will be difficult to grasp understanding about a[…]

Basic PHP factors that new developers need to have understanding about

Modern age developers need to have thorough understanding about some PHP factors. They are crucial to develop a well designed PHP based website or application. Prior to knowing or starting with anything, a PHP developer should have basic knowledge of the following: HTML CSS Javascript What is PHP? PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext[…]

The most outdated PHP framework to use in 2022

PHP development is a good choice towards a successful career. A PHP Framework offers numerous options to weigh out one’s potential. Certainly, it is one of the building blocks of many web development projects that revolve around web frameworks! So, let’s talk about some of the worst web development projects you can use in 2022![…]